Tax Preparation & Accounting Services
for Businesses
Working with hundreds of business clients over our four decades has developed us as experts in the multi-faceted accounting and financial requirements of modern businesses. As trusted advisors, we counsel business clients in many areas—from tax planning to selecting appropriate retirement plans, structuring debt and succession planning. We understand better than most that today’s closely held business or profession is forced to survive in a technology-driven marketplace that is too often a regulatory quagmire.
But we also recognize that small and medium-sized businesses have tremendous opportunities for tax savings through informed business planning and carefully implemented strategies. And that’s where we come in: Let us help your business navigate the increasingly complex and administratively burdensome regulatory environment.
Whether yours is one of the region’s fastest growing companies or a family-owned business experiencing steady and predictable growth, you can benefit from our professional perspective and expertise.
We offer these services for BUSINESSES:
Tax review, planning & estimation
Corporate Income Tax preparation: federal, state, local returns
Filing extensions
Reviewing notices
Counsel on retirement plans, debt structure, succession planning
General financial management
Creating your Tax Organizer